Île Maurice Travel Guide: Discover Paradise in the Indian Ocean

Île Maurice captivates with its tropical flavors and Creole way of life. Its beautiful beaches are renowned, notably Belle Mare, Trou aux Biches, Blue Bay, and Tamarin.

Mauritius enchants with its white sandy beaches, clear lagoon waters, and coral reefs. It’s the perfect place for a romantic getaway, a trip with friends, or a family vacation. Enjoy the beauty of nature peacefully in the shade of coconut trees and by turquoise rivers. Take your time and simply enjoy the surrounding scenery. Try different water activities, go hiking, or even paragliding. Relaxing sports and leisure activities abound on this island paradise.

An Exotic Destination

Mauritius immerses you in a different, relaxing world that gratifies both body and mind. Far from daily traffic and noise, discover an island state full of surprises, 800 km east of Madagascar and over 10,000 km from France. Dive into a country that hosts many exotic species and unique landscapes. Its historical and cultural heritage is also worth exploring.

Description of Mauritius

  • Area: 70,273 km²
  • Population: 5,011,500 (2021)
  • Official Language: English
  • Main Cities: Port Louis, Beau-Bassin Rose-Hill, Vacoas-Phoenix
  • Currency: Mauritian Rupee (Rs)
  • National Holiday: March 12 (Independence Day)

Why Travel to Mauritius?

If you’re still wondering why to choose Mauritius for your next vacation, here are some examples that might give you some ideas.

The Climate

In Mauritius, the sun shines year-round. You can enjoy beautiful beaches in the warmth at any time of the year. The average annual temperature ranges between 20 and 30 °C. So, swimming, scuba diving, and other outdoor activities are at your disposal. For kitesurfing enthusiasts, head to the south of the island, where the trade winds favor this sport.

Exceptional Marine Wildlife

Mauritius has a flourishing underwater population. Around the island, there are about 50 stunning dive sites to observe a multitude of colorful fish. For the best experience, choose to dive in November and December, or March and April. The water temperature is very pleasant at these times of the year, and the sea is calm.

Warm Hospitality

From the moment you arrive on the island, you’ll feel the kindness of the diverse population through their wide smiles and warm welcome. Immerse yourself among the locals who will generously share their traditions and diverse culture. In Mauritius, there is no official religion: Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, and Christians live in perfect harmony.

Minimal Time Difference with France

Tired of the annoying effects of jet lag? Well, you can rejoice in coming to Mauritius. Even though it is an 11-hour direct flight from Paris, you won’t suffer from jet lag symptoms once you arrive. In summer, there’s only a 2-hour time difference, and 3 hours in winter. Several airlines connect Europe with Mauritius, including Air Mauritius.

Unique Gastronomy

Mauritian cuisine is rich in various flavors. It’s one of the island’s major attractions. Tourists especially appreciate its original and spicy dishes. From the first bite, you’ll quickly realize the style borrows heavily from different cultures: Indian, Chinese, Creole, and even French cuisines blend to let you taste the finest local products. For more discoveries, don’t hesitate to wander the island’s colorful markets to try Dholl Puri, Mine Frit, rotis, chili cakes, and arouille.

What to See and Do in Mauritius

Mauritius is undoubtedly an excellent vacation destination. Its landscape, beautiful beaches, nature, diverse culture, and the warmth of its people are proof of this. To make the most of your stay on this paradise island, here are some ideas of places to prioritize and activities to enjoy.

Swim with Dolphins

If you love water, you’ll surely enjoy swimming with dolphins. This activity is very popular on the west coast of Mauritius, near Black River and Tamarin Bay. Grab a snorkel and mask, and watch the dolphins play in the water just a few meters away. To swim calmly with the dolphins and avoid the crowds, we recommend going early in the morning, especially in summer.

Hike at Le Morne Brabant

Nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts will delight in Le Morne Brabant. Mauritius offers more than just paradise beaches. In this UNESCO World Heritage site, you can fully experience hiking. Le Morne Brabant is a 550-meter high mountain that attracts sports enthusiasts. Note that the hike can last 2 to 3 hours, and the path is not always easy. However, the view from the summit is highly rewarding.

Visit Chamarel

Head to the southwest of the country, near Le Morne Brabant. You’ll arrive in the region of Chamarel, home to the Seven Colored Earth, one of the island’s major attractions. The Seven Colored Earth is located on a private natural site, a sort of plain made up of multicolored earth dunes. The alternating shades, ranging from ochre to red and brown to violet, are very impressive. This phenomenon results from the presence of different minerals in the volcanic ash of the region.

Explore the Heritage Museum in Port Louis

Designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2006, Aapravasi Ghat is a landmark worth visiting to understand the history of the Mauritian people. Formerly known as the landing site for Indian laborers on the island from 1834 to 1910, this heritage museum houses relics that testify to the daily life of these former immigrants. This place is also a memorial site, marking the origins of migration in the Indian Ocean after the abolition of slavery.

Climb Le Pouce Mountain

Le Pouce Mountain stands at 812 meters. It ranks third among the highest mountains in Mauritius. Its name comes from its resemblance to a raised thumb. From Port Louis, you can access it via the town of Saint Pierre. Climbing Le Pouce takes about half a day. The path is relatively easy on foot, but you can also drive to the mountain’s base or join an organized hike with a guide.

Discover Grand Bassin, the Sacred Lake

Grand Bassin is a very important place for Hindus in Mauritius. Around the lake, you’ll find temples and statues of their deities. What is striking about this sacred lake, aside from its beautiful scenery, is the serenity and peace that envelops you, regardless of your religious beliefs. Moreover, monkeys and cats frequent this place, adding to its charm. Don’t hesitate to visit the surrounding temples to learn more about this sacred site and Hindu deities.

Explore the Small Islands Around Mauritius

Although Mauritius offers numerous attractions, to complete your stay, we recommend visiting the neighboring islets. These excursions can be done in a day or half-day, depending on your preferences. You’ll find nature reserves and paradisiacal spots. Île aux Aigrettes, the southeastern islands, Île aux Cerfs, and Îlot Gabriel await you.

Enjoy Snorkeling

Do you enjoy scuba diving and exploring marine life? In Mauritius, there are many places for snorkeling or fin hiking. Opt for Blue Bay Marine Park or the crystal-clear waters of Îlot Gabriel. Join a small boat or catamaran excursion and enjoy the island’s beautiful beaches while exploring the marine life. Don’t have the necessary equipment for this activity? Don’t worry; you’ll likely be provided with everything you need once there.

Try Parachuting

If you’re adventurous at heart, you might want to admire the island from the sky. Mauritius offers parachuting opportunities, notably on Île aux Cerfs, Belle Mare, and Grand Baie. Marvel at the alternating blue shades of the sea from your parachute—it’s a breathtaking spectacle.

Try Kitesurfing

Mauritius has beautiful lagoons perfect for kitesurfing. For the best experience, choose the period from March to November, when there is less rain. Le Morne beach is ideal for this activity, but you can also visit Kite Lagoon if it’s your first time, or tackle the superb waves of Manawa and One-Eye if you’re an expert. Indeed, the island offers plenty of spots for kitesurfing.

Visiting Animal Parks on the Island

Mauritius is also a great family destination. Children will particularly enjoy encountering typical African animals. If you are traveling with your family, here are two places to include during your trip to Mauritius. The Casela Nature Park is well known for its safari experiences, walking with lions, and even dining with giraffes. You can also enjoy other activities there, such as ziplining, quad biking, or canyoning. There’s also La Vanille Nature Park in the south of the country, where you will see many reptiles and, especially, Nile crocodiles.

Tasting the Island’s Culinary Flavors

Authentic Mauritian cuisine is a blend of the island’s typical flavors, found only in certain places. If you want to discover Creole gastronomy in all its forms, visit Moka in the city center, or head north to Tante Athalie, or further south to La Roche Cari. Try dishes composed of various condiments with lots of sauces. Dholl Puri, Biryani, Pilau rice, and fish Vindaye will no longer hold any secrets for you.

How to Visit Mauritius?

Flying is by far the best way to reach Mauritius. Count on up to 11 hours of direct flight from Paris. You will most likely land at Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam International Airport in the south of the country, its main airport. During the hot season and the year-end holiday period, flight prices are usually higher. However, during the Mauritian winter, from May to October, prices are more favorable. You can also opt for a flight with a stopover to save a bit, which can then take up to 20 hours. Dubai, Johannesburg, and Reunion are among the connecting cities.

Transport on Mauritius


The bus is the most practical way to visit Mauritius. The country has a well-developed bus network that allows you to travel comfortably and economically. In urban areas, buses run until 9 p.m.; in rural areas, they stop at 6:30 p.m. You will find this means of transport throughout the country. The only drawback is the time it may take to connect different stops.


Taxis are the preferred means of transport in Mauritius. They can be found almost everywhere near airports, hotels, and tourist spots. The disadvantage of taxis in Mauritius is that they can quickly become very expensive, especially over long distances. Also, make sure your taxi is legal, registered, and equipped with a taximeter. For your information, taxis in Mauritius must have a TAXI sign on their roof and indicate their route on the right side.

Car Rentals

In Mauritius, there are several companies that rent vehicles. However, trust those that are accredited and have an operating permit. To rent a car, you must be at least 21 years old and have a driver’s license that is at least one year old (foreign licenses are accepted). Also note that in Mauritius, as in many former colonies, driving is on the left side of the road, but priority is on the right.

Bicycles and Scooters

You will find bike and scooter rental shops on the island. Some hotels may also offer rentals. However, riding on two wheels can present certain difficulties as it rains almost every day due to the country’s humid climate.


Traveling by boat is a must if you want to visit the islets around the island. In fact, if you wish to discover the country in an original way, know that there are several options for sea trips and boat rides on the island. Enjoy idyllic sunset cruises, day trips from island to island, and much more.

Climate and Weather in Mauritius

Located east of Madagascar and northwest of Reunion Island, Mauritius has a tropical humid climate. Rainfall is heavy during the summer, from January to April, which is also the cyclone season. From May to December, there are still precipitations but not as significant as during the summer period. The average temperature is 25°C (77°F), which is very pleasant for vacations. The sea temperature varies between 25°C and 28°C (77°F and 82°F) throughout the year, making swimming very enjoyable.

When to Visit Mauritius?

The Mauritian winter, from May to September, is the best time to have an unforgettable holiday in Mauritius. The weather is cooler, and there is less rain.

What Clothes to Bring?

Given the country’s tropical climate, it is best to wear light clothing, preferably made of cotton or linen. Don’t forget your hat and sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun. An umbrella and a light jacket are also handy for dealing with unexpected weather changes.

Good to Know

Always stay vigilant. Even though the Mauritian population is known for its friendliness, keep your valuables close. Make sure to always close your handbag, and get a receipt after making purchases in stores or shopping centers.

Avoid hitchhiking in Mauritius. Get into the habit of asking for the fare before boarding a taxi or other public transportation. Do not rely too much on the advice of taxi drivers, as some of them act based on financial incentives they receive from certain merchants.

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